There have been two books that have motivated me and inspired me in life, goals and beyond. These two books are what encouraged me to finally start this blog and they have inspired me to do a lot more.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I first became aware of this book on social media, especially on tumblr. This book seemed to be very popular and I would see a lot of people recommending it. I decided to purchase it one day and from the day I received it it was hard to get it out of my hands. I like books that catch my attention from the absolute beginning and so this book did. As I read chapter after chapter, this book helped me to understand the path you must take in life. It helped me to understand that there will always be obstacles and people trying to detour you and those are things that one must overcome. It helped me to understand that sometimes the things you may want in life may be delayed and that the things that are meant for you, whether it is love, wealth, a job, anything that you want will come at the right time. A phrase used throughout the book is "maktub", it is an Arabic word and when translated it means " it is written". This doesn't mean something that it is literally written, it more dictates destiny. I highly recommend this book for anyone who feels frustrated or flustered about a goal they want to reach in life.
#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso
I got this book way before I got The Alchemist and to me it was one of the best motivational books for young women/young entrepreneurs. If you did not know, #GirlBoss is written by Sofia Amoruso, who is the Founder and CEO of Nasty Gal, one of the leading clothing brands in the world. I like this book because it is real and raw. I by "real" and "raw" I am referring to the honesty and how straight forward and straight to the point this book is. Sofia does not hold back in this book at all. This book is one of my favourite motivational books because she talks about her struggles. She talks about dropping out of school, her experience with shitty jobs, finding ways to find food to eat and a place to stay, and so on. She talks about how much she sacrificed and how much she struggled to get what she wanted. She did not make any excuses and she absolutely did not give up! She rose above every situation she was in and also described what it took to be an entrepreneur to her. I highly recommend this book.
What's your favourite book? Do you have any recommendations? Leave a comment below :)
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